Sonnee – Chalk EP [Attack Decay Sweet Release]

With his10mil+ streamed POLIÇAcollaband numerous accoladeslikeBBC Future Sounds‘NextWave’,BBC Intro‘Track of the Week’,andJaguar’s Dancefloor Moment under his belt,Manchester’sSonneedrops hiseagerly awaited fullEP‘Chalk’, featuringnewfocus track‘Love Now, Again’andnewclosingpiano piece‘WithHope’,outnow.
Recently DJing alongside the likes ofModelManandfor a sell-out crowd withATRIP, and remixing‘Everything’forEdapollox Mild Minds(Ninjatune) andSultan&Shepard(This Never Happened),the London-based producer’s signature mix of upbeat vibes,heartfelt lyricismand trademark use offoley/vocal FXhassupportacrossmainstream/specialist tastemakers.
‘Love Now, Again’:upliftingand danceable,asleaping beats with breaksy layers, contentedpianochords and tinkling melodies support a sweetly high female vocal. Ebbsand flows like a high energymessage oflove andSpring fromadistantbenevolentgalaxy.‘The most optimistic and heartfelt trackI’ve written.I went through 5/6 different versions, it was an idea I couldn’t let go of. I found the lyricsso pure and light I wanted to hold onto them until I found the right world for them to live in.’
‘Chalk’EP:‘Love Now, Again’joinsthree‘Chalk’singlesinc.‘Fever’(BBC Sounds Next Wave),plusnewtrack‘WithHope’.With thismore club-readyEPSonneestilltacklesraw emotions and intenserelationshipswith heartfelt honesty-the melancholic and hopeful, thethoughtfulandthedanceable.‘With lyrical themes exploring theextremities of closeness and feelings, this is my mostpersonal and emotionally driven collection of songs yet.’
‘After my last EP I thought about what makes my sound‘me’.I felt like thealmost collage-like way ofwriting defined my sound.Like throwing paint at a canvas or how a kid uses chalk, smudging andcombining different colours to make a new one. It’s that feeling of having no idea what you’ll make,or trying to make a soundyou’ve never heard before that’s really beautiful for me.’And for us too.