#LETUSDANCE Joins Save Our Scene UK #FREEDOMTODANCE Campaign March

On Sunday 27th June #LetUsDance will join Save Our Scene who will be demonstrating alongside thousands of music lovers, industry workers and business owners across the cultural sector in response to the decision made on Monday 14th June which has now placed our industry in a critical position, closing thousands of businesses and livelihoods.
The demonstration on Sunday is to draw attention to the devastating position that the Government has put our world renowned industry in, we continue to support people’s personal choice to decide to engage with the vaccination programme and respect people’s opinion as a democratic right to free speech and to the right to demonstrate.
Kai Cant, the founder of Abode who came to SOS with the initial idea and has since rallied DJs and powerhouses from across all corners of the scene to come together under the rallying cry of #FreedomToDance!
The march will depart from Marble Arch at 12pm on Sunday making its way to Parliament, with DJ sets from the likes of Alan Fitzpatrick, Eats Everything, East End Dubs, Fat Tony, Franky Wah, Hannah Wants, Jess Bays, Max Chapman, Charlie Tee, Kizzy Alicia, SUAT, Seb Zito, SOSA, Waff, Summer Ghemati, Wheats and many more…
The Founder of SOS, George Fleming says, “Whilst it’s great to see waves of football fans partying in London, it really asks us a question, why is the music industry still being suffocated by the Government? We have proven that we can open responsibly, and 58,000 people took part in the pilot events, of which only 15 people tested positive (5 of which were home related). This has proven the industry can successfully carry out safe events without adding to the spread of the virus.”
Michael Kill CEO NTIA / Savenightlife CIC #LetUsDance says “The Government has consistently marginalised our sector, we have had to fight for every bit of support and engagement throughout the pandemic. We have been continually targeted by the Government and excluded within every announcement. Our Industry is recognised and valued across the world, yet undervalued by our own Government. It’s time to push back and show the power of electronic music and the night time economy through its greatest asset, its people! Time to #Letusdance.”
Eats Everything, leading U.K. artist says, “This Government is all about money, and it can’t be that our industry isn’t financially beneficial to them because we clearly are, so it has to be merely down to the fact that they don’t like the culture plain and simple. I’m absolutely not a Covid denier or anti mask/vaxer in any way shape or form, but what I am is a person who is a member of an industry that has been totally downtrodden time and time again…Stop ruining hearts, minds and livelihoods”.
Hannah Wants, British DJ and Producer, who is also performing on Sunday says, “I’m proud and excited that the dance music industry is coming together as one to ultimately fight for our industries future.”
The industry has lost all confidence in the Government over their handling of the arts through the last 18 months and there are huge signs that the Government has a complete disregard for the very industry which makes life so worth living for workers and music lovers combined.
Fleming continues “We are protesting this week to tell the Government that enough is enough and we will not stay silent any longer. Too many jobs have been lost and the damage has become irreversible. Around 10,000 licensed venues have already closed permanently and over 400,000 live events staff have lost their jobs. Our message to the Government is if they delay any further, we will be on the streets protesting daily. We cannot afford to wait any longer.”
One of the organisers, Kai Cant says, “Some might ask, why protest now, it’s only 4 weeks away? To which I answer, if we stay silent, this will present a greater potential for the Government to delay again and again. We have run many polls over the past 2 days, which shows on average 90% of the population don’t believe they will lift all restrictions on July 19th. This shows a complete lack of confidence, so that is why we are here today. For the people.”
Save Our Scene supports people’s personal choice in whether they decide to engage with the vaccination programme or not and they respect people’s opinion on the matter. They have also encouraged everyone to act responsibly, safely and pick up their litter on the march.