Waze – Games feat. Faber (Waze’s Clapton Club Mix) [Street Tracks/Good Soldier]

Stalwart London based producer Firas Waez, AKA Waze from the mighty Waze & Odyssey has a tremendous list of notches on his belt. The accolades pile up throughout their nine year career, including a top 3 UK chart hit as well as being the man behind the cult favourite label Street Tracks. To run alongside the official release of ‘Games‘, Waze has turned around 2 club mixes strictly for the floor – all inspired by his early days living in Clapton and the club music he was listening to at the time.
The Club mix of ‘Games’ is a rolling, energetic groover from the off, with crunchy chord hooks and floor-rattling 909 kicks. The poignant pluck bass drives us across the shimmering reverbs and skittering hi-hat patterns while the South London vocalist Faber provides feel-good vocal hooks, diced and scattered across the grooves with precision. The Dub mix takes away the vocal and is an out and out dance floor groover. Certified to soundtrack the summer of 2021, the timeless dance-floor sounds, reimagined and presented afresh here by Waze will grab and hold you for a long time to come!