HI-LO & T78 & Will Clarke – HADES/Check EP [Filth On Acid]

The next release on Filth on Acid finds the mighty label invite their favourite artists to collaborate and create some new Filth. HI-LO, T78 & Will Clarke all feature and serve up the top shelf goods. The EP kicks off with two producers who have had Filth on Acid releases hit Number 1 in the charts. On ‘HADES‘, HI-LO taps into his Rotterdam hard techno roots together with T78 and the result is a musical work that seems to have descended straight from hell. Track two of the EP brings the trip back to earth and makes you check the balance, with HI-LO joining forces together with UK talent Will Clarke. ‘Check‘ is a pure belter with firing synths and hardcore techno drums all battering you into submission. This is more pure fire from Filth.