Anden – Projections Part II [Zerothree]

Zerothree presents the next installment in the Anden Projection series; Projections Part II showcases Pete & Tom in such a creative and unique manner – prepare for this vocal lead, electronic present!
The Anden studio has been HOT of late to say the least! 2021 saw Anden release their much-anticipated EP release “Rewind” on Yotto’s imprint to great success, alongside a list of heavy hitting supporters! This success is set to continue with “Projections Part II”; a record looking to break through genre barriers and perceptions at full speed.
Anden pride themselves on looking outside of the box for styles and inspiration, developing their own sound and feeling that translates both well in the ear and on the dancefloor in equal measures. The Projection Series aims to invoke thought, discussion and most importantly provide an escape from reality. Part II does just that!