Gardenstate – Rabbit Hole [Spectrum]

Rabbit holes. They open up everywhere. Every new topic you read, every new discipline you study, every new dancefloor you attend. We’ve all explored them. How deep you want to go is down to you. Gardenstate, for instance, take things very deep. Fresh from featuring on Odd Ones Vol. 1 on Yotto’s Odd One Out Imprint with their track Floración, here the transatlantic duo make their debut on Joris Voorn’s Spectrum and dig deeper into their craft with two incredibly explorative pieces of fully immersive techno.
Like all the best journeys we start with the ‘Rabbit Hole‘. At first it seems like an innocuous acid line. Warm, direct, simple. But the more you listen, and the more you dance, the more it opens up. Before you know it, you’re swimming in arpeggios amid crisp neon spirals, your mood lifting with every new element. ‘Arpology‘ is a moment of honest euphoria. The duo describe it as an ‘arp orgy’ as three layers of the iconic synth are rolled out and entwined in a majestic narrative fashion. A homage to the music of their roots and personal foundations, it’s a timeless piece that joins the dots between trance and techno with class. Come and explore the rabbit hole. How deep do you want to go?