Huxley’s EPIC Pool Party Playlist

It is fair to say that Huxley has fully arrived. Still young but with experiences in the booth and studio well beyond his years, he has a fine array of tools at his disposal. Over the last seven plus years, the friendly character has excelled at many different styles, often ahead of the curve. He does well swung drums as well as bass, main room house and deeper, musically accomplished offerings that stir real emotion.
The Glitz – White Line (Re-Edit) [Voltage Musique Records] – My friend Billy Kenny actually put me onto this record. It’s a banger and that drop goes off. I love the stomping nature to of this track. I have no idea who the Glitz are, but this track is wicked.
Di Chiara Brothers – We Haven’t Time (Huxley Remix) [Monotronik Records] – A new remix I’ve done for the Di Chiara boys. I went for a groovy house version and even let loose on some keys. The version on Beatport is actually without the accapella that was originally in it due to copyright reasons, so if you hear me playing you’ll hear a slightly different version.
Gee-Man – The Soul (Fixitinda Mix) [Strictly Rhythm] – Love this record. Old school vibes on this one. That organ stab is wicked. reminds me of why I love straight up house music. Not much else to say really, other that it’s great!
Toni Rios – Closer To You feat. Niveska (Sascha Dive S2 Remix) [Blufin] – Sascha Dive has been a pivotal artist for me over the last 10 years. He’s one of the reasons I started the Huxley project and this track is no different. I love the repetitive piano stab that drives along with the bassline. The vocals from Niveska sound amazing over this stripped back groove too. Really love this vibe.
Nic Fanciulli – Understand [Rekids] – Rekids’ releases are always great and this is no different. Nic’s releases over the last few years have all been good, but his track is an absolute banger. Dark, simple vocal with a huge kick drum. What else do you need.
Matthew Styles – Off The Grid [Tsuba] – One from the vaults of Kevin Griffith’s Tsuba. What a track this is. Matthew is an incredible producer. This is peak Tsuba for me. Rolling bassline, wicked synths and very housey.
Malin Genie & Lazare Hoche – Oh! Snap [Lazare Hoche] – Deep keys mixed with a rolling bassline. As you might have guessed from now I’m feeling my house vibe at the moment. This is brilliant. two great artists connect to make this record and I’m a big fan of both. I don’t get to play a lot of their music, but this is one that stays in the bag (usb).
Midnight City – Got 2 Be There [Monoside] – Don’t know too much about the artist or label here, but stumbled across this one on a bit of a deep dive through Beatport and I’m a big fan! Disco vibes with a diva vocal. Love this track.
Traumer – Classroom [Gettraum] – Minimal bassline and tribal beats on this one. Traumer is a sick anyway and I love this track. Both tracks on this EP are great. I play this track whenever I get a chance. I love the flutes too, very middle eastern!
Dan Ghenacia – Round 4 [Freak ’n Chic] – Really, I could have picked absolutely any track from the Freak N Chic label. I’ve recently rekindled my love for this label, such a shame it stopped when it did, but I guess at least it’s kept the legacy as it is. I think a lot of producers released some of their best work on this label. This track in particular is a rolling banger, rough and raw and groovy – everything you need from REAL tech house.
Huxley is scheduled to spin at the Repopulate Mars EPIC Pool Party on Friday March 29th during Miami Music Week, visit the following link for tickets: