fabric XX – 20th Anniversary Celebrations Commence

Following a 3-day blackout that sent social media wild with speculation, fabric have broken their silence to launch a swathe of special events and activities in celebration of reaching 20 phenomenal years at the heart of electronic music’s vibrant culture.
The next chapter starts here: Many of you will be wondering what this means, why we boarded up and repainted parts of the club and why we deleted our online presence this week. In 2019 we celebrate our 20th anniversary, and while to many this would present an opportunity to reflect on the past, we see it as an important opportunity to look to the future.”
Since opening our doors for the first time in 1999 we have always put our focus on running a space that would become a home for expression and creativity in London. Artists and dancers from across the globe have descended our staircases and established our position as both a local dance spot and international melting pot. As we enter our 20th year, we’ll be celebrating our anniversary by refreshing and building upon everything that’s helped us reach where we are today.”
To mark our 20th anniversary year, we’ll be throwing 20 special parties in addition to our regular event schedule. fabric XX will welcome a cast of artists including friends new and old. The first phase sees Lee Burridge, Bonobo, Tale Of Us, FUSE, John Digweed and The Martinez Brothers coming to EC1 – parties will run across both days and nights, with every artist playing extended sets running for up to 10 hours. And for those wondering about our annual birthday weekender, this year the celebrations will span across every weekend in October.
We’ll also be sharpening our focus on fresh local talent. Adding to our founding residents Craig Richards & Terry Francis, we’ve looked at who is making noise in our city’s vibrant underground culture right now and handpicked a small selection of artists we love to become our newest resident DJs. We’ll be introducing two of these new residents with a free party in Room Three tonight at 7pm. Anna Wall and Bobby are two of the best DJs in London, and for a chance at a limited guest list spot you can message us on our Instagram channel now.
After hitting the century milestone with our fabric and FABRICLIVE compilations, this year we’ll launch a new quarterly mix series, “fabric presents”. The first edition comes from Bonobo, with more details on the release and our next curators to be revealed soon.
This summer we’ll be bringing fabric and FABRICLIVE to two major London festivals for the first time. We’ll also be returning to Barcelona for OFF Week, teaming up with one of our most prized family members, Ricardo Villalobos.
We want to say thank you to everyone that’s been part of this journey over the
past two decades. So much of the world surrounding us has changed in this
timespan, but your love for us has always been unparalleled. From the
celebratory times to our most challenging moments, it’s your support that’s
built our legacy.
This is only the start of what we’ve got planned for our 20th anniversary- keep a close eye out for much more to come. Full details and tickets at: http://fabricldn.co/fabricXX