Made By Pete – Safe House EP [Gruuv]

Made By Pete joins the roster of Audiojack’s Gruuv label this November with his ‘Safehouse’ EP, backed with remixes from Dave DK
Audiojack: We’re very happy to welcome Made By Pete to the label, following our recent remix of his EP on Crosstown Rebels. We first met a few months ago when we played at Studio 338 in London, he’s a top lad and this cemented the decision that we’d love him to join the Gruuv roster.
Made by Pete: ‘Safe House’ is the first EP to come out of my new ‘studio’. And when I say studio I mean converted garage. My wife and I had a beautiful daughter in 2017 so my man space was relegated from the spare room to the garage. I had the formidable task of converting my concrete garage into a viable monitoring environment. For someone who’s idea of DIY is changing a lightbulb it was pretty daunting. I called on a few friends for help and spent the next three months building a soundproof wall, 10 rockwooll acoustic panels and 4 rockwooll bass traps. The result was surprisingly good and now i’m back to doing what I do best. Making music!
The original mix of ‘Safe House’ opens the release with an amalgamation of organic percussive hits, metallic chimes and bumpy toms fuelling the groove before Penny F’s infectious vocals kick in and a fluttering stab-led synth hook carries the rest of the composition. ‘Justify Your Move’ follows next with crunchy dynamic drums, tension building strings and multi-layered, dubby stab sequences throughout.
Pampa’s Dave DK then rounds out the package with two remixes, firstly taking the originals heady tribal drums and adding a further twist with additional organic percussion whilst heavily processing the vocals with a psychedelic feel. An Instrumental is then offered up next to close the release.