Andrea Giudice – Denver Funk EP [Nonstop]

Andrea Giudice has been with Nonstop since the very beginning, and we have seen month after month the developments and improvements he was able to achieve. Head full of ideas, feelings, the ambitious soul he has shown to everyone, all this paid off for him as he receives more and more support from the industry. The effort, passion and time spent on his gear is the real reason of him always producing something more accurate, more elaborate, taking so long to chose the right snare or the right hi hat. His game is a game of perfectionism and vibes he always finds inside him when he produces music. ‘Denver Funk‘ resemble the modern spin. Andrea layers the vocal against a throbbing bassline and infectious house groove that is set to leave any dance floor ablaze. ‘Hoop‘, another dance floor hummer from Andrea, this time remixed by the one and only Matt Tolfrey.