Danito & Athina – Feather of Zeus [Stil vor Talent]

‘Dionysos‘ starts off as a straightforward Techno exploration, swiftly entwined with lively percussion and ethereal strings. It’s a formula that combines the dance appeal of groovy elements and the aptly crafted House and Techno soundscapes that are specific to their style. Channeling placid percussion and a serene melody, ‘Feather‘ sets a peaceful tone through an inherently minimalist, yet highly engaging composition. Named after a paradisiac Greek island, ‘Kos‘ stirs up easygoing atmospheres atop a playful melody. Restful bird trills and a grave vocal add another dimension to the quixotic tableau. ‘Zeus‘ rings in a familiar construction with neatly layered textures. Whether it’s zig-zagging synths or a fizzy bassline, there’s a simplicity that permeates and prevails at every step.