KlangKuenstler – Pop Dem Bottles EP [elrow]

September is already here and elrow Music is keeping the summer vibes alive with its latest delivery, this time in the hands of Germany͛s KlangKuenstler. The uber-talented, Berlin-based DJ and producer delivers an outstanding ERM112 that goes by the name of ͚Pop Dem Bottles EP͛. This three-tracker is full of reference to that 90s-influenced sound that is hitting so hard right now in dancefloors all over the world, and surely will do the same with elrow Music͛s crowds in the months to come. Opening the EP we have the track naming this Extended Play, Pop Dem Bottles, a track with clear reference to 90͛s rappers with its vocal line, a playful bassline and a techy, broken percussion that will tear up some dancing shoes amongst the b-boys in the dancefloor. Then we have House Your Body, a more tech-house song that starts with high energy, a heavy but steady percussion, and some amazing synth play, with a peak time vibe that will make crowds go crazy, also with a high dose of hip-hopish influences in its vocal line. Closing this EP we have Girlfriend Mentions, a track with a slower start that builds itself around some horn sounds and its vocal line, with a more electric kinda vibe, infused with a great synth and FX treatment, and leaning towards a more techno energy. All in all, this ERM112 by the unpronounceable KlangKuenstler is a beast by own right and will for sure tear up many dancefloors with its 90͛s infused energy and high overall quality. Another banger brought to you by the one and only elrow Music!