Drumcode Halloween 2017 Announces More Artists

If the first announcement made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, wait until you see what further treats Drumcode have to put the heebie-jeebies up you!
Crazed carny Alan Fitzpatrick likes bass. That wicked grin hides all manners of nasty thoughts. There’s no deciding which underworld Alan will take you with his set, but it’s always relentless.It came from outer space! Ilario Alicante is the cold-blooded reptilian soldier with a penchant for dark, brooding techno. His intergalactic weaponry is more advanced than human technology, and guarantees dancefloor destruction. Don’t be fooled by his earnest smile and charismatic charm, Layton Giordani has ulterior motives. He is the cult-like leader of New York-based sect, the New Church of Techno. And he’s looking for recruits to brainwash!
Half-man, half-bull. Matador was given a barbaric ultimatum: serve eternity in purgatory. Or pay penance by assuming the anthropomorphic features of the beast. His hooved hands are surprising good at working hardware. But avoid his gore. Beware the veiled Lady! Maya Jane Coles is a practitioner of witchcraft. Outcasted from society and forced to live on the margins, she’s vowed revenge by casting a spell on Tobacco Dock and all who inhabit it. Join her Coven and be spared eternal damnation! From London to Berlin, Scuba can be found loitering in the shadows. The Hotflush boss will be providing twisted techno of the highest order. You merely adopted techno. He was born in it! Moulded by it! The man in black will stalk your dreams.
These spectres join the previously announced Amelie Lens, Dense & Pika, Enrico Sangiuliano, Levon Vincent, Marquis Hawkes, Nick Höppner, Reset Robot and Sam Paganini on Saturday 28th October.
Tickets: http://bit.ly/2t9C82L