Undoubtedly one of the current hottest talents on the UK club scene, a firm national radio favourite not to mention in-demand producer and remixer, DJ S.K.T keeps the dancefloor-primed bangers coming with his debut on brand new label DFX. Re-working a late-90s Strictly Rhythm classic, DJ S.K.T nails an updated vision of Wamdue Project’s ‘King Of My Castle’, translating it for 2017’s dancefloors. Maintaining the iconic vocal line “must be a reason why I’m king of my castle”, DJ S.K.T amps up the shuddering bass for a killer 4/4 track. Equipped with both a radio edit and an extended club version, ‘Must Be A Reason’ is your next hottest find, whether you’re an aux cable DJ or the real deal.
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