Purple Haze – Contrast [DOORN]

Beginning with a foreboding growl and swathes of metallic FX, Contrast bursts into life with a thoroughly satisfying Giorgio Moroder-style bassline arpeggio and driving techy beats. Layers of atmospheric swells and FX create a wide-open cinematic sound as the hi-hats become more urgent and stripped-back trancey synths filter into to the fray.
The intensity keeps building until the breakdown offers us brief respite. Soon rasping synths and guttural on-beat bass tones are back at it again, and the full prowess of the scintillating lead melodies explodes into action. The production is blockbuster slick, every twist and turn maximized and juiced for full effect.
This is a tantalizing taste of what’s to come on the debut Purple Haze album at the end of September, giving us just enough to whet our appetites. If you want to hear more of what’s to come on this groundbreaking record, catch one of the upcoming Purple Haze shows at Tomorrowland (Belgium, July 21) or Dreamstate (Mexico, August 19) — a guaranteed audio-visual sensory overload.