Thursday Thoughts 038: Curbi x Mesto

As the man in charge of the Musical Freedom label, Tiësto has always had a knack for cultivating excellent talent. That trend continues with the signing of young stars Curbi and Mesto for a track titled “Bruh”. The record fuses future house and electro house feels to create a massive smash that shows no mercy. The talents behind the track are just getting started. Both under the age of 25, Curbi and Mesto carry the torch for a young generation of dance music producers and fans. We chatted with them both together and separately on the success of “Bruh,” keeping their sound fresh and plenty more.
1. How did you two decide to get together and produce “Bruh”?
Curbi: It pretty much came about because we became friends and wanted to make something together haha, simple as that! Last years ADE we sat in the studio together and began working on something. Not long after we came out with ‘Bruh’!
Mesto: We started at last year’s ADE, and sat down in the studio together without having any of the track already. So we really started from scratch!
2. The track itself spent three days at No. 1 on the Beatport future house chart. How does that make you guys feel?
Curbi: So sick! The support has been insane and we can’t thank everyone enough for the love. Big shoutout to you all and of course to the boss Tiësto for digging the track so much!
Mesto: It’s insane.. I didn’t know this track was going to this well at all. Also the support is crazy! I had goosebumps when Tiësto played it at the Ultra Mainstage. That’s definitely something I will remember for the rest of my life.
1. How would you personally describe your sound as an artist?
Good question! To cut it short, I personally believe my sound is super thumping and energetic. It’s hard to describe what a sound is, but I guess if you ask fans/people who know my music, then they can distinguish my music from others? However, I’m constantly developing my sound, so it’s difficult to put it in words
2. With all this success coming at a young age, do you ever find yourself overwhelmed?
It’s super crazy! I’m currently sitting in my hotel room in South Korea as I’m writing this interview. Life is one big adventure and I never expected that this would ever happen.. but I think the only way to really appreciate it is to be as humble as possible and stay grounded.
3. Your upcoming tour schedule includes some of Europe’s biggest music festivals, how does it feel to bring your sound to basically the whole continent?
It’s really cool to see that these big European festivals are accepting my sound! So so excited for what’s to come!
4. How do you manage to keep your sound fresh with so many releases so far this year?
Basically I just tell myself to make something a little different each time and attempt to stay ahead of the game.. or at least MY game so then I can constantly progress. It’s not a battle though, at the end of the day I’m just making the music I love, and if people like it then amazing! haha
1. You burst onto the scene with a collaboration with Martin Garrix and Justin Mylo. What was it like to debut with such talented artists?
It was amazing. The funny thing is: when Garrix played the track as an ID on Ultra, the world didn’t know that Justin Mylo and I were involved in the track as well. So when we finally released it, it was such a relief and the support has been crazy.
2. How did you decide to create the drum & bass track “Step Up Your Game”?
I just wanted to do something different. I sat down in my studio with no idea what I was going to make, but those are the situations that are the best for making music I guess; not really having a plan and just go with the flow.
3. Your bio lists that you have “just begun [your] DJ career,” what has been the hardest part of learning how to mix?
For me, when I just started (3 years ago) I thought your wave-form had to be as high as possible on Soundcloud haha. So I was always putting shitloads of plugins on my master which didn’t make sense at all and made my track sound like crap! Now I’m always filtering the low frequencies that are not needed and stuff. Make everything as balanced as possible and nice for the ears. That’s the most important thing I think.
4. You have collaborated with impressive names so far in your career. Who is your dream collaborative partner, and why?
My dream collab would be with John Mayer. I’m such a big fan of his voice and chords and stuff. I went to see him live 3/4 years ago in Amsterdam and it was so good. Would be crazy to combine them together one day…
About Thursday Thoughts:
At Dance Rebels, we strive to bring our readers as close to their favorite artists as possible. One of the best ways to make that connection is to discuss a wide range of topics with the biggest names in the dance music scene. If there is an artist that you think we need to talk to, reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter!