Will K – Back To Life

Australian Will K has a résumé that features releases on big labels like Size Records and Protocol Recordings. That’s impressive for anyone, but he has these accomplishments before his 20th birthday. To thank his fans for all the support, Will K has released an awesome tune by the name of “Back To Life” as a free download. A lot of his releases have been groove house, but this freebie is a melodic masterpiece. The breakdown has an interesting feel to it, as it starts off with a minimalistic synth and melody. Will K adds percussion next, to give that very same melody a more dynamic feel to it. A secondary melody joins the sound next, and is made from a much louder synth. The build happens underneath that melody, before breaking into a euphoric drop. That second melody meets an even livelier bassline to create an absolutely fantastic sound. Finding this much quality in a free download track is rare, so be sure to grab this new Will K tune today!