Rodrigo Deem & Las Salinas ft. Emily Harder – Anything [Enhanced Progressive]

Enhanced, the label run by Tritonal and Will Holland, has been releasing a steady stream of music and a lot of it has been really good. It’s easy for tracks to get lost in the flood of music that is being released, but one track that didn’t have any trouble standing out to me is “Anything” by newcomers Rodrigo Deem and Las Salinas. The song has a lot of elements I would expect from Tritonal which is not suprising since they help to run the label and probabaly have a lot of influence over the sound producers are developing. A great melody is accented by strong vocals and an uplifiting drop filled with power. As soon as I heard this song I could picture it being used in an aftermovie with crowds going wild and I could definitly see this one killing it at an outdoor festival in the summer. Nice work here and another impressive tune from one of the newer labels on the block.