AN21 & Max Vangeli – Tonight (Will K & Corey James Remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD – Size Records]

It feels like everything is coming quite easily for the Australian/British tag-team of Will K and Corey James. Each has plentiful releases on marquee labels under their belts, and one of their biggest successes comes in the form of a free download. The duo worked together on a remix for AN21 & Max Vangeli‘s track “Tonight,” and won a remix contest run by Size Records and the platform. The duos got to talk production over Skype, and got the remix put up as a free download by the label. This remix simply oozes groove, and the sound is phenomenal. With the original vocals taking over the breakdown, and a powerful grooving bassline on each drop, its quite clear that Will K and Corey James put in their best effort on this remix. Grab it as a free download via the link below!