Zomboy – Airborne (MUST DIE! Remix) [Never Say Die Records]

Oh lordy. It’s been a while since I really enjoyed a nice ear thrashing by some dubstep. But by golly, this is a great track and any fan of dubstep MUST listen to this ASAP. I decided to give this track a listen, mainly because I’ve been trying to stop pigeonholing myself into a few genres, but also because I like Zomboy a lot and I have been a fan of his style of dubstep. And when I listen to dubstep, I want my dubstep to be gnarly. Now, I am unaware of MUST DIE! but god damn is this dubstep the gnarliest, dirtiest, and ugliest piece of music out there. It’s got that dubstep stank all over it that makes you want to give yourself a minor concussion by just head banging for an hour or two. But, at the same time, the production quality is deep and the gnarly aspects are toned down by some really well-done melodic builds. The light, happy melodicism of the breaks are a nice juxtaposition and break from the drops, and add a really refreshing element to keep the track from getting stuck in a big pile of mud. But then, the drop kicks in with a really great depth of sound. Combining melodicism, with just absolutely disgusting chainsaw synths, and a deep well-rounded bass, this track impressed me the instant it came on. Give this a listen.