Uner – Silencio [Supernature]

Uner is back with a new EP that is packed full of wonderfully well-done house music. Dipping into elements of deep house, tech house, and electronica, Silencio includes five tracks: two originals, and three remixes. The namesake track is dark and brooding, with a kick drum that keeps the song chugging along, ambient pads and synths, and interesting rhythmic stabs that add a necessary groovy element to the track. Sometimes a bit frenetic and disorienting, and at some places a bit lost, Silencio is a nice fresh sound for Uner and at some points shines as a great track. Of Norway grabs Silencio and takes it in a very different direction by keeping the ambience, but adding more spacey and trippy elements to the track itself. While it sounds technically great, it can be brought down by the long breaks that lack a sense of movement and tend to feel a bit too much. However, the moment where the break drops down into the beat of the track is incredibly satisfying and helps give the break a better sense of purpose.
Patrice Meiner’s remix is incredibly cool. I absolutely love the use of percussion and the use of space. Each of these elements wrap around the deep, thick bass-line very well and give the track a pair of sunglasses and a cigarette to smoke on while the dance floor blows up. This remix is a must buy. Igor Vicente has a remix of Silencio as well and it is definitely the most unique take on the track of the release. His use of synth stabs is very retro and bring the track that much-needed grooviness. Paired with the addition of the xylophone-esque instrument and the powerful bass-line, the track is also very well done and easily danceable.
Finally, Uner comes back in with Baum for Hodei which is a contemplative and yet also groovy track. While sometimes the tones of various synths can be a bit jarring, the pads, bass, and harmony between each of these instruments are really well done and fun to listen to.
Check this EP out. (Unfortunately I was only able to grab Igor’s remix on Soundcloud, but these tracks will all pop up on there soon).