Ripped Off: American Producer Jeremus Has Track Stolen

For producers, there is very little that is more satisfying than finishing a track, and sending it out for feedback. The thoughts of others can give a track that last tweak it needs, or make a connection between producers. Unfortunately, this whole process went horribly wrong for Jeremus, an American producer who has become a victim of intellectual property theft. This theft was discovered on August 1, 2014, and brought to our attention just this week, thanks to Jeremus and The FPIA. The track was originally released through Warped Bridge Records named “Boomerang,” but resurfaced on Raveup Records credited to KheDa as “Felix”. It would appear as though KheDa got his hands on the track through a promo sent out back in 2012, before the track was even signed. The sad part in all of this is the potential support that Jeremus has lost as a result of this ridiculous move. The track actually was supported by W&W back in late 2012 on episode 135 of their Mainstage Music Podcast.
For obvious reasons, this is incredibly disappointing news. Artists who spend their time putting everything they have into their music should receive the credit and praise they deserve for the tracks they create. The worst part is the lack of justice. Because of international copyright laws, it has become practically impossible for Jeremus to win a lawsuit over the track. There is very little else to do, but spread the word. As badly as one wants to become successful in the industry, take your time, produce your own music, and become proud of yourself.