Paris Blohm, Dzeko & Torres, and Carnage @ Story Miami

It’s been a while since i had been to Miami. When I heard that Paris Blohm, Dzeko & Torres, and Carnage were playing at Story, I decided I had to go. While I despise the trap music that Carnage is known for, I decided to go anyways. A quick email to a publicist and I was ready to go. Out of the three DJs playing, I have only seen Paris Blohm, and that was before he started to become well known. Driving from the gulf coast to Miami and back in one night is an exhausting journey, so I brought one of my best friends along to have a great time. Arriving at Story around 11:30, which is the time Paris was set to go on, we were greeted by the doorman and once I told him my name and our id’s were checked we were inside. Now normally I don’t get to the club that early but since we were seeing three DJs in one night, it became my exception.
Out of the Miami clubs, Story is my second favorite simply because of the sheer size and the user friendly layout. It helps having an incredible sound system coupled with mesmerizing visuals. Although it was absolutely freezing when we got inside, we made our way to the front of the dance floor to catch Paris Blohm’s set. One of the first song’s I recognized was an unknown remix of Show Me Love, at this point I realized I was in for an incredible night jampacked with even better music. After this song I start to hear something I love start to grow louder and louder through the speakers. It was Hindsight by Audien with the vocals to How You Love Me by 3LAU feat. Bright Lights. All of a sudden I hear the vocals from Sweet Nothing coming through the speakers which caught me by surprise since it seems like forever ago that it was released.Then came another familiar song: nearing the end of his set, my night was made when I heard Left Behinds being mixed in. In case you aren’t familiar it is an original song from Paris featuring Taylr Renee which you might remember from Hardwell’s opening set at Ultra Miami this year. Immediately after I started to hear another familiar song: Colors, which was a collaboration between Tritonal (who I love) and Paris Blohm with Sterling Fox for vocals.
As Paris finished up his set, Julian Dzeko and Luis Torres are visible on stage getting ready for their hour long set. It was at this time that I could tell Story was starting to fill up because it no longer felt freezing and the dance floor was starting to get pretty packed. After a few songs I started to recognize some familiar tracks. Out of no where I hear Legacy by Nicky Romero & Krewella which was accompanied with an ID. By this point the crowd is going nuts and it was becoming increasingly harder and harder to move around. The next song which completely caught me off guard was Pepper by the Sick Individuals with the vocals from Paradise by Coldplay. What happened next blew my mind, I hear the brand new Tiesto remix of Break The Rules by Charlie XCX start pumping through the gargantuan speakers followed by the incredibly dirty remix that Firebeatz did of Calabria by Rune RK.
By now it’s practically 1:30 and I can see Carnage come into the booth. I will admit I am not a fan of trap music but what followed blew my mind. Yes, he did play a few trap songs but in all honesty he had a great set. He played some great songs such as Cry by the Bingo Players, Cuba W/Alive, the W&W remix of U by Gareth Emery, and Virus by Martin Garrix and MOTi. I was liking his set and out of no where came a dirty mashup of Ping Pong vs. Harder Better Faster Stronger vs. 7 Nation Army vs. Work vs. Tremor vs. a trap remix of Tremor. At this point it is close to 3am and I am completely exhausted so I made the choice to leave a bit early to make the torturous two hour drive back across Florida.