Amine Edge, Dance, Tough Love – The Perfect Love [Get Twisted Records]

An interesting release from Get Twisted, The Perfect Love is a blend of house/tech house/indie dance/deep house. Perfect Love is divided into two parts which I found to be an interesting idea, but each track differs enough to where it makes sense. Pt. 1 is upbeat, with a pumping bass line that will shake your subwoofer as well as the rest of your house’s foundation. The track also has some nice synths that sound super thick and fat that contrast the feel of the song as a whole, but are a nice addition. The vocals work well with these two tracks also and are a nice compliment to the other instruments used. Pt. 2 is a bit darker, and a bit more UK sounding. The bass line takes a stronger position in this track and is produced superbly.
Heels In A House Rave is a step down for the release. The bass line is uninspired, the vocals can get on your nerves, and the track is overall not very interesting. I would definitely skip this track. The final two tracks, whose names are too long for me to want to type out, are a step back up. The original mix of 808 is a mellow, dirty house track with lots of bass, and a very minimalistic take on house. Lots of space, a thick bass line, and chromaticism characterize this track. Tough Love’s remix is a mixed bag with nice melodic synths, leading into a frustratingly bad sounding break and an overall lack of character. This remix may work for some and not for others, but the release overall isn’t half bad. Give it a listen.