Pedestrian – Drop Bear/Ultramarine Express [Born Electric]

Some great new tracks were dropped on Born Electric by the UK producer Pedestrian. Featuring not only a great handle on production, but also a wonderful blend of that UK style with more standard tech/techno sounds, both Drop Bear and Ultramarine are tracks that should be in your library. The first thing you’ll notice is Pedestrian’s interesting style of bass production. It’s loud and in your face, but is layered in a way that not only pushes your subwoofer to it’s limits, but also the tweeters. It’s deep, dark, and futuristic but adds a nice kick to the track. While it forces its way through your sound system, it also pulls back in a way that gives an interesting depth to the synths used. Out of the two tracks however, I enjoyed Ultramarine more as the off-beat synths added a really great retro feel to the track, as well as looping in a bit more of a melodic quality. Ultramarine is a bit more varied, subtle, and the instruments used are fresh and unique. I also thought that Pedestrian did a good job with the drum breaks using interesting tones and chromaticism to nice effect. Give this release a listen.