NERVO feat. Duane Harden – Sunshine Thru Rain Clouds [Spinnin Records]

NERVO‘s new track is a mixed bag of recycled ideas and well-done melodic breakdowns, an unfortunate story of most electro and progressive house these days. It seems as if the trend in dance music is, when a producer comes out with a new sound, that everyone has to now make tracks that sound almost exactly the same and use almost exactly the same ideas. The drop in “Sunshine Thru Rain Clouds” is exactly like this to a fault. I’ve heard it before, I’ll hear it again, and for being a big room track it does what every single other one does. It’ll do well at festivals, people will like it for a few weeks, and then once someone else comes out with their version of the same thing, it’ll be stuffed into the depths of DJ libraries everywhere never to be seen again. That’s not to say this track doesn’t have redeeming qualities. I found the breakdown to be very well done and although the vocals are forgettable, I liked the almost “Aerodynamic”-style synths leading into the drop. The arpeggios were articulated in a way that gave the track a bit of freshness that it so desperately needed. In the end, this track does what it needs to do and is at the very least produced well. That being said, NERVO has the ability to create some great tracks so I was a bit disappointed by what seems to be a bit of complacency on their part. House music needs to get off of creating tracks around a fad sound, and just get back to making music. I don’t blame NERVO for hiding their faces behind clothing and the Spinnin’ Records logo on this one.