Cedric Gervais – The Look [Spinnin Records]

Are you really craving some rave-tastic electro-house that will melt your eardrums, collapse your chest cavity, and give you temporary amnesia? Well look no further than Cedric Gervais’s “The Look”.
Unapologetically ball-busting electro house, “The Look” will shatter your windows, explode your speaker system, and break a water main on the street outside your house. Bursting at the seams with synths, it makes up for its lack of creativity and melodic quality with pure loudness. Almost as if Gervais had forgone any and all efforts of that stupid thing called “catchiness” in order to spend all his time on the sheer brutality of the drop. That being said, the melodic breakdowns are so incredibly unimaginative that, honestly, why bother? It’s just taking away from my face being melted off by the world record for most synths mixed all the way up in a track. Because, as we all know, loud music is the best music.