Pattern Drama – Sweet Romance [Touch of Class]

Sweet Romance is a very unique EP from Pattern Drama (with one remix by Eric Volta), two producers out of the UK. A somber, mellow EP, it takes the listener on a musical journey from instrument to instrument, combining the sounds of deep house with a much more ambient style of electronica. While I wouldn’t necessarily classify this album as music you would go to a club and dance to, it shines in its own right as Pattern Drama utilizes not-often seen modes, instruments, and scales in order to achieve a different sound from anything heard in the house music scene. For example, the vocals done by Candida on “Magic” are so incredibly smooth, they almost float out of your speakers. The bass-line in “Oceans” is bouncy, but still lends itself to the varied percussive instruments used behind it. Overall a great EP and worthy of your time. Check it out.