JoeySuki, Kill The Buzz – Life Is Calling [Revealed Recordings]

It’s out! Suki and KTB’s new track titled “Life is Calling” is out and while most people here at DR know that I consider most progressive house to be pretty much all the same crap, I really liked this track.
What really makes a good progressive track for me is the use of melody in combination with catchy chord progressions, well-articulated chords, and most importantly a high-quality mastering. “Life is Calling” does all of that to a tee. The drop doesn’t focus on being some kind of massive culmination of loud synths meant to tear your ears out, but instead uses its strengths to allow for the natural aspects of good music to carry the energy forward into the next measures. Melodically, it’s uplifting, happy, and makes you want to go out and have a good time on a saturday night. Rhythmically, it isn’t too ambitious but in this case, its power is in its simplicity. The vocals are pretty average, but that’s okay because A) It’s house music and for some reason the vocals generally suck big time, and B) The rest of the track makes up for it. Honestly, I would compare the feeling this track gives me to some of the early Avicii tracks before he tried to bastardize folk music.
Buy this release.