Electric Zoo Festival Set Times Released + More

Now that the dust has settled from the release of the Phase 3 lineup for the Electric Zoo Festival in New York City, the next big reveal came today: set times for all 3 days. Promising to be bigger, and better than ever, EZoo5 will be hitting NYC hard with over 140 of the world’s biggest electronic dance music acts from around the globe spread out on 5 stages over 3 HUGE days. Now that the set times have been released, Electric Zoo has brought back the popular “custom schedule” feature, where you can choose your own personal lineup for all three days.
Electric Zoo has also just released its own official mobile app for the 2013 festival, available for iPhone and Android devices. The app features the festival map, lineups and schedule, news, a way to share your location with friends, and much more.
Time is running out! The festival itself is in less than two weeks, so be sure to grab your tickets. Official Travel Packages, General Admission 3-Day Passes, VIP Experience 3-Day Passes, Platinum Experience 3-Day Passes and Single Day Passes are available now at www.electriczoofestival.com. Don’t wait! Buy now.
Don’t forget: the festival is bigger than ever, with the addition of a second mainstage! Check out the EXPANDED map of the festival after the break.
Labor Day weekend is approaching quickly, so prepare for the craziness of The Zoo. Will you be going? Look out for our Dance Rebels crew while you’re at the festival.