My Favorite Music Artist Deadmau5

Why is deadmau5 my favorite music artist? Why does he have such an appeal? Maybe it’s because he was a pioneer, a trend-setter. Maybe because he’s an individual, doing what HE decides with his music. Maybe it’s his independence that sets him apart from the rest, creating his own software, making his own sound, creating his own animations at his concerts. Perhaps its just his visual appeal with the classic mau5head. Maybe you think he just has a cool name.
He’s not like any other EDM artist. He doesn’t have huge buildups, a lot of his music is ambient, and his songs aren’t stereotypical of “dropping the bass.” Many of his songs’ openings are pure synth melodies, with much repetition. But what makes him so great? Why doesn’t the repetition in his songs bore us?
There are a multitude of reasons why I can say deadmau5 is my favorite EDM producer. Perhaps you share my viewpoint on all aspects, perhaps you share only a couple, and perhaps you completely disagree with me. Either way, I found it impossible to continue my existence without letting out my love for his music.
#1, the mau5 sound.
Deadmau5’s tracks are, not to sound cliché, like no other in the EDM world. His sound is the sound of a perfectionist, spending massive amounts of time on every tiny detail in his works. He could spend hours simply synthesizing a hi-hat, and days and days getting the kick drum sound that he wants. All his tracks have a unity, a certain roundness that causes them to be perfectly balanced. Each instrument flows with the other, and none are out of place. The track will always have a uniform theme, and will be created with a vision in mind.
#2, p3rfection
When mastering a track, the goal is to enhance the track to provide the maximal sound quality possible for the pleasure of the human ear. Sounds simple enough, but deadmau5 takes it to the next level. Clipping is unheard of in a deadmau5 track, as the levels in the mix are the most well-defined of the genre. If an instrument is too soft, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. If an instrument is too loud and just in your face, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Deadmau5 mixes with a purpose, and expert at his craft. You will never hear clipping, pops, or acoustic disturbances when listening to the sounds of deadmau5. The instruments simply swim with each other.
#3, doing it live, every time.
Nothing is more respectable than a self-made individual. Not saying deadmau5 started from nothing, but he sure as hell met some challenges becoming the icon he is today. Dissecting hardware and passionate about electronics, deadmau5 started his career, not as a producer, but in web design and coding. However, it was during this time that he began experimenting with the new, upcoming genre, EDM music.
Deadmau5 performs with Ableton Live and his touch interface at all of his performances. He doesn’t simply queue up two tracks simultaneously, waiting for one to end so he can start the next one, no; he mimics his studio production time on the stage, using loops and synths he’s created. He’s not just playing them, but altering them by using different filters, pitches, changing the rhythmic pattern, etc. This way, he keeps his shows interesting and keeps the raver on their totes, when they’re not jumping up and down.
#4, you don’t need to just listen.
There’s been much debate over how music can affect your productivity, whether it be studying, writing, or doing any sort of physical exercise. In my experience, music has been the best productivity tool, especially the sounds of deadmau5. The problem many people seem to have is the lack of focus when listening to any pop or rock song. If you want productivity, there can be no lyrics. While studying, the brain is not only processing the text on the page, but also the words and lyrics from your speakers or headphones. The brain finds the sound from these devices more appealing, and these words are “friendlier” to the brain, as they require much less effort to remember and comprehend.
However, deadmau5’s tracks not only are without lyrics, but many are ambient, greatly increasing productivity and, personally, allowing me to accomplish my tasks to the beat or rhythm. The repetition prevents my brain from lingering onto the audio for too long and motivates me to continue my work at a certain pace, keeping my pace as the track keeps its beat.
#5, he loves us.
Although dormant lately, deadmau5’s live stream was his platinum method through which he could directly contact his fans, both veterans and first-time listeners. He’s answered questions that pertain to his music, as well as personal lifestyle questions that he has completely and honestly answered.
Not only that, but Mr. Mau5 has even dedicated one of his prehistoric live streams to show and teach us how plugins, routing, and mixing works. He shows us how he makes his sound, and how cool it is. As he explains in the video, you can clearly see how passionate he is for what he does, with the enthusiasm behind his explanations. At one point, one of his viewers asks “Can you just DJ?” I’m not sure if this was just another Internet troll or a misinformed fan, but he could not have picked a worse choice of words to say to deadmau5. Deadmau5 responds adequately and adds “I live for this s***.”
If Mr. Zimmerman is reading this, I want to personally thank him for being my gateway into this great world of EDM. I love the culture, the people, and especially the music. I don’t know what it was about Faxing Berlin that was so addicting, but it had me wanting more. Here I am now, developing a passion so great I can’t help but produce and write about it. Thanks again for staying with me for all these years.
Anant in his new Avataar… Writer & Critique in the World of Music..