Skrillex Picks The Winners Of His Latest Play Remix Contest

Well, after much deliberation, Skrillex has chosen the winner of his remix contest, which also happens to be Beatport’s biggest ever Play competition thus far.
“Beatport, Big Beat, Skrillex, and OWSLA are very happy to announce the winner of the Skrillex and Damian ‘Jr. Gong’ Marley ‘Make It Bun Dem‘ remix contest,” says Atlantic Records’ Liz Miller. “California-based duo Candyland have turned in an energetic yet bass-heavy stormer of a remix, and will be receiving the Grand Prize courtesy of Big Beat, Pioneer, Sounds To Sample, and of course, Beatport. We’d also like to give a special acknowledgment to Russian producers Teddy Killerz for their incredible remix, even though they cannot be named as official winners. And of course congratulations to the Community Pick winner, Zeblazed. Our biggest thanks and appreciation to all who entered!”
It’s actually not the first Play win for Candyland, who took first prize in Bingo Players’ remix contest, and got this track signed.
Of the “Make It Bun Dem” win, the Santa Barbara-based duo’s Ethan Davis told us, “We just tried to make something funky and heavy. The original track has great vocals and a really good lead sound so we used those. The original is really simple, so we tried something a little more complex—made sure the drums were loud and punchy and there you have it.”
So, are you gonna be the next Play contest winner? Head on over to check out the current batch of contests, and give it a shot.