elrow Town London 2019 – A Conversation With Victor De La Serna

On Saturday August 17th elrow is returning to London for their third installment of ‘elrow Town London’ at their new, bigger and better home of Trent Park. The majority of the tickets have already sold out, except from a handful of VIP deals, and the line-up, which isn’t complete yet already, boasts Jamie Jones, Alan Fitzpatrick, CamelPhat and Michael Bibi, jeez!
The theme for the day has been set as the ‘El Triangulo De Las Rowmundas’ which is a huge megaship battling against a huge, angry Kraken, whilst elrow will also be debuting two more new themes too! Dance Rebels also had the opportunity to chat with a key member of Team elrow too, check out our conversation below…
Hey, welcome to Dance Rebels, how are you? Please introduce yourself; where are you from, and what do you do for elrow? Hey guys! Thanks for having me! I am Victor de la Serna and I am elrows Music Director.
How did you initially get involved with elrow? Did you ever imagine yourself working with the best party planners in the music industry? I’ve know the Arnau Family for 20 years as I used to go clubbing to their original club Florida 135 in Fraga, Huesca as well as their legendary Monegros Festival, so I grew up going to their events. Working for them is a dream as that’s where I discovered dance music and club and festival culture and that has been my life ever since, so when the call came 5 years ago to come and see them in Barcelona to start working with them I couldn’t believe it lol.

What’s your daily workload like at elrow; how many hours a day do you work, and what tasks do you normally handle? I am in charge of everything related to music in the company, so I travel a lot in the weekends and do my 8 hours at the office when I am in Barcelona. The workload is big but do what you love and you will never work a day in your life, right? ;)
What part of the job do you find most demanding/draining, and how do you overcome this so work is more ‘enjoyable’ at elrow? The most draining part of the job is the travelling. Last year I attended 52 shows, so it’s a lot considering the workload during the week, but it is always fun so I cannot really complain.
I feel elrow’s uniqueness is their no-nonsense approach to partying to perfection, based on two key factors; amusement and entertainment! In your own words, why should someone experience elrow, especially if they’re an ‘elrow Virgin’? You should experience elrow at least once as it is something different to your regular club night. We try to create a very fun and hedonistic space where everyone comes with just one goal, to have fun. It’s a colourful party where you shouldn’t take yourself seriously, dress up, let go and enjoy what’s surrounding you!
On Saturday August 17th elrow Town London is returning for its third edition at the new home of Trent Park, yell us about the El Triangulo De Las Rowmudas theme? What aesthetic enjoyment can attendees expect to experience? What’s its uniqueness? It’s a very trippy theme with lots of characters and items the triangle has eaten over the centuries and is now coming out for this show… it’s a wicked theme and is going to be the first time seen in the UK, its new, its huge… it’s going to be out of this world :)

elrow has so many party more themes including ‘Rollywood’, ‘Carnaval’, ‘Rowmudas’ too! What’s your personal favourite theme, and if you could design your own theme, what would it incorporate, and be called too?There are a few that I really like. Feria de Abril in Barcelona is very special, its kinda the kick off for the summer season, starts getting quite warm and it has a real Spanish flavour that I like. I am a huge Star Wars fan so I always wanted to have something set in space and we did create a new one last summer for our closing season, so I am happy with that one also haha.
How many hours does it take for the elrow team to set-up the stages etc for a festival event? How big is the elrow production crew too? For elrow Town we can be setting up two weeks in advance or as long as they leave us! For club shows and even festival stage hosting we have done the work in 12 hours… I think 10 was our record, but we prefer to have as much time as possible! Normally 2 days is the ideal situation for a club show.
If I was booked to play at an elrow show [I do sick warm-up sets btw haha], I’d view it as a big career milestone! Ideally, what style and swagger does an artist need to be earmarked as a potential elrow booking? elrow is all about fun and with music we try and find the same vibe. We move between house and techno with tech house I guess being the main sound. It needs to be energetic and fun, like the party is.
The elrow Town London already has Jamie Jones, Alan Fitzpatrick, Camelphat and Michael Bibi on the bill, who else can fans expect to be added to the lineup? Also, if you could hand-pick a DJ you like, who hasn’t played elrow before, who would it be, and why?There are lots of stages and lots of surprises hahaha. It’s going to be our biggest festival to date, so expect lots of little hidden corners with music and show & the main stages with lots of different acts playing different styles. Moving to Trent Park has allowed us to grow and we believe this will have a true festival feel you will fall in love with! Stay tuned for the whole line up and more info!

Finally, if you weren’t working for elrow, where do you think you’d be in life work-wise? Thanks for your time too, really appreciated! Haha, good question! I have always worked in the music industry so I presume I would still be doing some sort of job within the industry but probably not as much fun! Hahaha.
Grab you VIP tickets HERE